fbpx Search Results ТОП эксперт Human Design Виктория Джем — Дизайн Человека metahd.ru — PCA

ТОП эксперт Human Design Виктория Джем -- Дизайн Человека metahd.ru


Photography & Image-making

Master of Arts (MA) / Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Photography and Image-making is a two-year program in Photography with a specific focus on new types of visual storytelling.
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PCA Talks

Our speaker series, PCA Talks, presents a unique opportunity to engage with established artists and designers to learn about their creative processes and professional journeys.

Interior Design Highlight: EROTOKRITOS Project

For the Fall '17 semester, chair of Interior Design Alix de Mercey and Interior Design faculty Deirdre Philips will be leading a class in collaboration with retail company EROTOKRITOS. Students will be rethinking the design and use of the company's boutique, 109 boulevard...
Lieve Studio

PCA Design Talks Series: Marianna Calagna

Marianna Calagna is the founder and Art Director of Lieve Studio, a branding, web design, and editorial design studio currently based in Italy. Marianna will explain the circumstances that brought to the creation of the Studio (in the middle of the COVID-19...